Table of Contents
Audience: All Staff, Secondary Students
System Preferences: Laptop or Chromebook, any browser
Reporting Phishing
Phishing is the #1 way for criminals to try to get personal information or money by having you click, reply, or call through an email.
- Check the box next to the email and select the hook
- Accept by clicking on Report
If you opened the email, follow the same steps
- Delete the Email after reporting!
IF you don’t see the Phishing Hook, sign into Chrome, click on the grey puzzle piece, click on the 3 dots next to the hook and accept permissions
To report a phishing attempt in BCSC if you do not have the Phishing Alert Button:
- From the inbox, select the phishing message(s)
- Select the 3 vertical dots on the top of the inbox and select forward as attachment
- Send to
- Delete the message
Still need help? Click the following link to submit an IIQ Ticket
Audience: All Staff, Secondary Students
System Preferences: Laptop or Chromebook, any browser
Learning about Gmail for BCSC
Start Here!
Getting More Comfortable...
Hitting My Stride
Resources for all other questions
Last updated 2.23.2021