Request Substitute Teacher in Frontline Aesop
FL1, FL2, and FL3
Using Frontline Aesop Substitute Placement System (Frontline Education)
Questions or concerns? Contact: Judi Fall, Substitute Teacher Coordinator
812.375.6747 (6:00 am-3:00 pm) or 812.344.7188 (cell ~ call or text)
Video Tutorial (link):
Access Aesop Substitute System using the icon on your desktop OR by going to the BCSC website and clicking the Aesop icon under the main banner. Aesop is not compatible with Internet Explorer-please use Google Chrome web browser.
Use your 10-digit number as your username for login and your 4-digit pin as your password. You should have determined these digits with the Substitute Coordinator, at the beginning of the school year. Your 10-digit username is most likely a phone number. If you forget your information or are not sure, email or contact Judi Fall. Click “Sign in”.
You will be taken to the Aesop homepage. The monthly calendar will show you any planned absences (days you have requested off and requested a sub), teacher work days (in-service days), as well as closed days (no school).
To schedule an absence, scroll below the calendar view and you will see the create absence menu below.
You can also create an absence by clicking the “absences” tab across the top banner and selecting “create absence”. Both methods can be used to request an absence and a sub.
In the “Create Absence” menu, you can determine the settings for your requested day off/absence. To select what day or month you would like to request off, use the month toggle arrows. To select the day, click the day of the month and it will become highlighted when selected. To select multiple days, click and drag your cursor. You can request multiple days at once. You can also create absences MONTHS in advance. The sooner, the more likely you will find a substitute to fill your absence!
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If a substitute is required, select “yes” from the Substitute Required drop down menu, otherwise choose “no”
Select the reason for your absence for the dropdown menu. If you are unsure what reason to select or are unsure of the number of absences you have for each category, speak with your building administrator, mentor, or Judi Fall.
Next, select the time you need a substitute (the time you will be absent). For a full day (7:40-3:10), select full day. If you are only going to be absent a portion of the day, you can request a sub for a half day.
WARNING: There is criteria for half day absences. If you have a morning half day absence, you will need to be back in the building by 11:30 am. The substitute will sub during the morning hours from 7:40-11:30. 11:30 is the cutoff time. If you are going to be absent in the afternoon, select Half Day PM- this means your sub will arrive at 11:30 am and will sub until 3:10. This means you will be able to leave at 11:30 am. If you create a custom absence and your absence goes beyond 11:30 for am or starts before 11:30 for pm, it is a full day absence for you (it will count as one full day from your remaining absent days) and could be a full day of pay for the sub.
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You may choose to leave notes to your administrator and notes to the substitute using the textboxes (both optional). If you decide to leave notes for your substitute, do not rely on these notes to serve as your sub plan. Not all subs use the Aesop website to see their sub assignments-many use a phone alert system to accept sub positions and expect to receive their sub plan/information when they arrive to the school building. ALWAYS make paper copies of your sub plan. You can also email plans to department chairs, administrators, or colleagues.
If you are choosing an absence reason of PROF or BCSC PROF please leave information in the Notes to Administrator section of what you are attending, if you know who is paying for it and if you know the account number, please add that.
You may add attachments to your sub plan (additional notes, resources, information for your administrator or the substitute teacher) by clicking “choose files”. You can view additional options by selecting “advanced mode”. If you are an itinerant teacher, please be sure to attach your schedule so that when a sub sees the job online, they see your schedule. Be sure your schedule is also in your phone message as this is what substitutes hear when they receive a call from AESOP.
Warning: Not all substitute teachers will use this website to see sub information and attachments, many use the phone alert system. Do not rely on this website entirely for sub plans. Always print hard copy of your sub plans!
When you have finished creating your sub settings, click “create absence”. You will get a notification with a confirmation number that your request was processed successfully. Select ok.
You cannot request a particular sub. Instead, create a preferred sub list and the subs on your list are notified before anyone else of your available sub jobs. To create a preferred list of subs, click the “account” tab on the top banner.
Then, select “preferred subs” on the left side from the collection of tabs. Add substitutes to your preferred list by selecting “add substitutes.”
You can also call a sub before an absence to prearrange with them and then enter the absence with the assign a sub feature to confirm them. Do not select a sub unless you have pre arranged with them that they are available to sub for you that day!
View all scheduled absences by clicking the “scheduled absences” tab. You can also view if a sub has selected your scheduled absence here or if the position has remained unfilled.
To track your past absences, click “past absences”. You can view all absences by toggling the options of absences displayed.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, contact:
Judi Fall, Sub.Coordinator.
Office: (6:00 am - 3:00 pm) ~ 812.375.6747
Cell: (call or text) ~ 812.374.7188