Enrolling a ViewBoard in the Management System
To enroll a ViewBoard, follow these steps:
- Log in to https://myviewboard.com/
- Click Sign In and use your BCSC Google account to log in

- Select Manager
- Click on the + symbol in the top right corner

- In the Add Device window, switch to Serial Number and enter all relevant fields - Serial number, Name (School - Room), Group. You can also use the Import device list feature to enroll multiple boards using an Excel file.

You can also enroll a device using a phone application ViewBoard Companion. After downloading the app, sign in with your BCSC email account and follow these steps:
- On the ViewBoard, launch application ViewBoard Manager. A window with a QR code should pop up on the board
- On the phone app, click on the QR code icon in the middle of the screen

- Scan the QR code on the board with your phone camera and fill out the prompts - the board Name (School - Room) and the Group. Click complete and the board will be enrolled.